United Kingdom

‘Chris Kaba murder trial shows us British justice can be politically motivated’

British Justice? Don’t make me laugh. Gun Cop Martyn Blake has gone through two years of Hell waiting for a murder trial that should never have happened and having been cleared by a jury which also said the trial should never have happened we discover Sgt Blake now has a 10-grand bounty on his innocent head courtesy of Chris Kaba’s gang.

So, not only is Sgt Blake’s career over, now he and his family have had to flee their home and go into hiding because the scumbags in Kaba’s gang have threatened to kill him.

And despite all that Sgt Blake is STILL facing misconduct charges from the idiots at the IOPC. How the Hell was all this ever allowed to happen? How is it STILL happening?

Yes Martyn Blake shot Chris Kaba, who belonged to one of London’s most notorious gangs. But he did it because Kaba was using his two-tonne Audi Q8 to ram not only a police cordon but officers who were walking towards him on foot. He’d refused numerous times to vacate his car and instead decided to ram his way out.

Martyn Blake fired a single shot to stop Kaba because he believed his colleagues were in mortal danger. He didn’t intend to kill him – just to stop him. That isn’t and never was murder.

As for London’s idiot mayor Sadiq Khan – he should hang his head in shame. Because after the shooting he stood square behind Kaba talking about the community’s pain and its mistrust of the police – even though he MUST surely have known’ Kaba’s record.

Even this week after the Not Guilty verdict he was still shamefully banging on about the impact Kaba’s death on the community. Even now he’s still betraying the police by talking about the black community’s lack of trust in them. Yet he didn’t address one single word to Martyn Blake’s devastated family.

He didn’t once talk about the agony, the pain and distress they’ve been through these last two years because of a justice system that caved into the street mobs who were screaming about police racism.

Make no mistake, Martyn Blake wasn’t charged with murder on actual evidence because there wasn’t any to show he was doing anything other than his job. He was charged because of the “ optics” of the situation and because the CPS and the IOPC were afraid of the backlash from the black community if he wasn’t.

And if we’re looking for other dangerous idiots in this scenario – how about the judge Mark Lucraft who foolishly decided to lift Martyn Blake’s anonymity. What kind of lunacy is that?

Does the good judge not understand that by naming Blake he could have put not just him but his totally innocent family in danger?

There was a time you could trust the British Justice System – not anymore. Because this case has made clear that prosecutions are not always brought on hard evidence. They’re often brought for purely political reasons. They’re brought to ease racial tensions in certain communities even if it means whacking a murder charge on an innocent bloke like Martyn Blake.

The organisations and the people who did that didn’t give a damn that an innocent man’s life and his career have been wrecked to appease certain communities.

The Crown Prosecution Service and the IOPC have big questions to answer here. Martyn Blake is an innocent man and yet the “gang” community these organisations were so desperate to pander to, and protect has now put a bounty on an innocent man’s head and ensured that for the rest of his life he will be looking over his shoulder.

Shame on the lot of them. Those who made the decision to prosecute Sgt Blake will go home every night to their families and their safe homes and forget the man whose life will never be the same again thanks to their politically motivated decisions.

And the rest of us should be terrified too because if I was a gun cop today I’d be thinking about early retirement. Every day those officers walk into danger carrying a gun to protect US and today they must be thinking “To Hell with this.”

They will all have looked at the car crash this is now Martyn Blake’s life and be thinking “that could happen to me and my family.”

I’m not saying cops shouldn’t be accountable but we cannot drag armed officers into court every time one of them discharges his weapon – and in recent years that’s what’s been happening. Carrying and using guns is what these crack teams exist to do.

And thank God that because they’re all so good at what they do its’ rare that a shot is ever fired. But when it happens we cannot treat these officers like criminals. They’re not gung-ho idiots who set out every day to waste people. They’re cool, calm, highly trained people who every day have to make split second life or death decisions the rest of us never will.

These men should be revered not persecuted because they’re heroes risking THEIR lives to keep US safe. They’re doing a job the rest of us don’t have the guts or the stomach to do.

And it’s a travesty there are still people today railing at Kaba’s death. This was a man who shot people, who even in the weeks before his death was conspiring to kill others, a man who has convictions for gun and knife possession and who was a member of one of London’s most dangerous gangs.

Chris Kaba was not one of the good guys as his family and community wanted us to believe. He was a violent thug who’d be alive today had he got out of his car when asked to. Instead he choose to drive his two- tonne car at police officers and Martyn Blake had no choice but to stop him.

And while we shouldn’t celebrate Kaba’s death he must not be portrayed as a hero or a martyr. He was neither. But Martyn Blake IS a hero. He did his job in the face of grave personal danger. And instead of thanking him for that our justice system has taken a wrecking ball to his life.

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