
The Mouth Of Sauron In Lord Of The Rings Explained: Identity, History & Movie Changes

The Mouth of Sauron is a mysterious figure in The Lord of the Rings, appearing grotesquely outside the Black Gates in part three of the novel, The Return of the King. Peter Jackson cut the Mouth of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King movie but added him to the extended edition, confirming his importance to the narrative. High fantasy pioneer J.R.R. Tolkien defined many races in LotR, from Men to Wizards and Orcs. But the Mouth of Sauron of Peter Jackson’s movie didn’t seem like any of them.

Complicating matters somewhat, the Mouth of Sauron scene in The Return of the King extended edition changed the book’s story substantially, necessitating differentiating the two to get to the heart of the matter. Although it distorted canon, Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy did a good job of cementing the horrifying Mouth of Sauron in the minds of millions, creating curiosity about what he actually was. The strange character was hardly less enigmatic in the book, but a wider knowledge of Tolkien’s legendarium sketches the bigger picture.

The Mouth Of Sauron Was Descended From Númenóreans

The Mouth Of Sauron Was A Black Númenórean

According to Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings, the Mouth of Sauron “came of the race of those that are named the Black Númenóreans.” Tolkien didn’t dive into Númenórean history much in The Lord of the Rings until the appendices, where he explained further. The Silmarillion also provided information on this race. Of the first Men to awaken in Hildórien, those who fought the villainous Morgoth became known as the Edain. Many of these migrated to the island kingdom of Númenor and were friendly with Elves.


What Sauron Really Is In The Lord Of The Rings: True Nature & History Explained

The eponymous Lord of the Rings is an enigma in the novel and the movies but answers are available in Tolkien lore as to his true nature.

These enlightened Númenóreans were aware of the 15 Valar – Tolkien’s demigods. However, over time, Númenóreans grew envious of Elvish and Valarin immortality and pushed the Elves away, losing faith in the Valar. This was due to Sauron’s corruption. This political faction in Númenor came to be known as the King’s Men, and many settled the coasts of Middle-earth during Númenor’s golden age. Umbar was one such outpost. Tyrannically expanding their territory, these people came to be known as Black Númenóreans, and they persisted in one settlement or another throughout the ages.

The Mouth Of Sauron’s Powers & Purpose In The Lord Of The Rings

The Mouth Of Sauron Was A Sorcerer

The Mouth of Sauron speaking next to the Eye of Sauron in The Lord of the Rings.

The Mouth of Sauron didn’t give a name in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, but in the book, he introduced himself as “herald and ambassador,” the Mouth of Sauron. The accompanying narration confirmed that he was Sauron’s messenger. However, it also confirmed that he was actually the Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr, with lieutenant being a rank of army officer. It was unclear if this lieutenant functioned as Sauron’s messenger on other occasions as well, or just the one described in Return of the King.

Named higher-ups in Sauron’s forces in
include the Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr, Ringwraith the Witch-king of Angmar, Gothmog (race unknown), and the Orcs Shagrat and Gorbag. According to
Unfinished Tales,
which published Tolkien’s unfinished drafts, Khamûl was an Easterling Ringwraith.

A lieutenant is not the highest or even second-highest-ranking officer in the British army, which is what Tolkien would have been basing his wording around. But the Mouth of Sauron “grew ever higher in the Lord’s favor” since entering the service of the Dark Tower as it rose to prominence during Lord of the Rings. Sauron’s forces weren’t clearly delineated in Lord of the Rings, but the Mouth of Sauron seemed to function under the Ringwraiths and above many of the Orcs and Men in Sauron’s service. He was a sorcerer and rode an unexplained demonic horse.

What The Mouth Of Sauron Did Before & During The Lord Of The Rings

The Mouth Of Sauron Negotiated With Aragorn

Fellowship at the gates of Mordor.

The Mouth of Sauron had risen through Sauron’s ranks to become powerful by the time of The Lord of the Rings – he “knew much of the mind of Sauron.” During his service to Sauron, “he learned great sorcery.” Although the Mouth of Sauron was the Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr, “his name [was] remembered in no tale; for he himself had forgotten it.” Allegiance to Sauron ended in submission so total it erased individuality, as seen here and with the dangerous Ringwraiths, who lost their bodies and agency.

Tolkien implied the Mouth of Sauron’s decay in other places, making him seem more animal than Man. The Mouth of Sauron’s face had “the likeness of some wild beast” and “his mouth slavered, and shapeless sounds of fury came” out. This supported Jackson’s monstrous visualization of him, although Tolkien confirmed he was “a living man.The Mouth emerged from the Black Gate in Return of the King to negotiate with the Fellowship. He was rude and manipulative and fled when his terms were refused. Sauron’s army swiftly attacked, distracting Sauron from Frodo’s movements as the Fellowship had hoped it would.

How The Lord Of The Rings Movies Changed The Mouth Of Sauron

Peter Jackson Didn’t Adapt The Mouth Of Sauron’s Arc Faithfully

Gates of Mordor in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies didn’t adapt the Mouth of Sauron’s arc faithfully, but it wasn’t the Mouth of Sauron who was out of character. In the book, the Mouth of Sauron negotiated with Gandalf, but in The Return of the King movie, he negotiated with Aragorn. Jackson siphoned heroic importance away from various characters into Aragorn in his trilogy to help build Aragorn up as its main knight in shining armor. This change wasn’t particularly consequential to the overarching events of the story. The Mouth of Sauron’s animalistic deformities were creative but fair expressions of his character.

Scene Title

Return Of The King Extended Edition Added Scene Description


The Voice of Saruman

Gandalf parlays with a defeated Saruman who is then killed by Wormtongue.


The Decline of Gondor

After his failed meeting with Denethor, Gandalf tells Pippin the history of Gondor.


The Wizard’s Pupil

Faramir returns from Osgiliath and reports to his father, Denethor.


Peregrin of the Tower Guard

Faramir gives Pippin the armor he wore as a child and welcomes him to the tower guard.


The Corsairs of Umbar

The Dead King leads his army to attack the Corsairs’ ships.


Merry’s Simple Courage

Merry inspired Éowyn to have hope ahead of the battle.


The Tomb of the Stewards

Denethor finds Faramir’s unconscious body and tells his guards to flee the battle.


The Witch King’s Hour

Gandalf faces off with the Witch King.


The Houses of Healing

Éomer finds Éowyn on the battlefield.


Aragorn Masters the Palantír

Aragorn confronts Sauron via the Palantír.


The Captain and the White Lady

Faramir comforts Éowyn.


In the Company of Orcs

Sam and Frodo are mistaken for orcs.


The Mouth of Sauron

Aragorn and the other heroes meet with Sauron’s messenger who claims Frodo is dead.


However, in the book, the Mouth of Sauron bargained with Frodo’s life, declaring him a captive. In the movie, the Mouth of Sauron suggested that Frodo had been tortured and killed, removing his leverage. As if this wasn’t illogical enough, Aragorn’s response was to chop the Mouth of Sauron’s head off. Whether they were insolent or not, the murder of heralds was often considered a war crime, which the Mouth referenced in the book. Aragorn’s violent, needless, reckless murder of the Mouth of Sauron was an unfaithful adaptation in the final The Lord of the Rings movie.

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