
Indiana Jones & The Great Circle: How To Enter The Underground Boxing Ring In The Vatican

In Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, players will discover a hidden Underground Boxing Ring in the Vatican City. The Boxing Ring can only be entered once the player has found the hidden Blackshirt disguise somewhere nearby. However, players must continue with the main story until this quest can be progressed.

The Underground Boxing Ring can be participated in to win prize money which can either be saved or exchanged for prizes. These prizes include books that can upgrade Indy’s battle prowess, inventory size, and health pool. Players will want to conquer the Underground Boxing Ring of the Vatican City before moving on to the final steps of the Stolen Cat Mummy questline within the Vatican City.

Where To Find The Underground Boxing Ring In The Vatican

Door Hidden Underground

In order to initiate the Underground Boxing Ring’s quest, you must first identify its location. Start in the opening courtyard upon exiting the Apostolic Library at the beginning of the Vatican City. Once you’ve reached the fountain to the right of the fast travel signpost, do not go further and instead hang right towards a set of doors next to a fascist outpost. Proceed through these doors to reach the Vatican Gardens area.

The fascist military encampment in the main courtyard can be entered while wearing a Blackshirt Uniform.

After entering the Vatican Gardens area, proceed to the left down the alleyway until a doorway covered in ivy can be found. Enter this doorway and walk down the stairs to find the door of the Underground Boxing Ring within the Vatican City. However, Indy will be denied entry without the proper attire, which means he needs to find a Blackshirt Uniform in order to adequately disguise himself.

Where To Find A Blackshirt Uniform

Inaccessible Until Meeting Gina

In order to acquire the Blackshirt Uniform, you must have already found the Tomb of the Warrior Giant and escaped the Necropolis Catacombs. This will lead to a cutscene on a balcony between Indy and a spy named Gina, which will open the path to finding the Blackshirt uniform. Once the cutscene is over, you can take the zipline from the right side of the balcony to reach a barbed wire fence that has a hole in it.


Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: Review In Progress

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle valiantly attempts to recapture what makes the movies special, and like Indy himself, it usually lands on its feet.

Crouch through the hole to overlook a hidden area guarded by a few fascists. Hang off the ledge and drop down to take out all the guards and nab the Blackshirt Uniform, which will allow you to progress in the Underground Boxing Ring quest. When fighting these guards, avoid using your gun as playing this game like an FPS is bound to cause trouble, and improvised weapons and the whip should be more effective. With the Blackshirt Uniform in hand, simply head back to the hidden door from earlier, and those inside will now allow Indy entry as a participant.

Participate In The Boxing Ring

Win All Three Rounds

In order to complete this quest, you will need to defeat all three boxing ring opponents to earn all the prize money. Make use of food to increase Indy’s stamina in order to prevent becoming tired during a fight, which could leave Indy open to punches. Utilize parrying to conserve stamina and open up opponents for counterattacks. If you’re having trouble with the game’s unarmed combat system, try lowering the difficulty in the Options menu, which can reduce the damage inflicted by opponents in the contest.

Vatican Underground Boxing Ring Prizes

Survival Book – Hardboiled I (720 ₤)

Harden protection by merging two health bars into one.

Packing – Sawbones I (400 ₤)

Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one.

After winning all three boxing matches, Indy should have enough prize money to purchase at least one of the books as a prize. If you’ve been diligent with your exploration, you should have enough money to purchase both books, but you can always come back with more cash. For your first purchase, I recommend buying the book Hardboiled I, as a larger health pool is more valuable than carrying one more bandage. However, they are both quite good upgrades, so make sure to purchase both before leaving the Vatican City behind in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

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