
Hogwarts Legacy Player Video Reveals One Major Flaw Of The Movies

A hilarious video from a Hogwarts Legacy player reveals one thing the Harry Potter books and movies didn’t address when it comes to the geography of Hogwarts. Movie magic did wonders to bring the halls of Hogwarts to life in the Harry Potter movies – but the game took that magic one step further, giving players their first real opportunity to navigate the walls of the famed wizarding school on their own. But with this great freedom, players are slowly putting together just how much movie magic was used to hide how big Hogwarts really is.

The scene in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince where Harry chases after Draco and Snape (following Dumbledore’s death) as the Death Eaters infiltrate the castle is more of a marathon than a quick chase. As pointed out by Reddit user luffyisNOTreal, the path Harry would’ve needed to take, going all of the way to Hagrid’s Hut, requires more than a dozen staircases, at least two bridges, and a jaunt through a courtyard to even get outside the castle.

The 40-second video is sped up, and while Harry may have been a member of the Quidditch team, it’s unlikely flying on a broom prepared him for this kind of cardio. The winding path from the castle to that portion of the grounds alone would be a significant expanse to cross during a high-stakes chase, as that portion of the route alone takes almost a quarter of the video. It’s also not the path that was showcased in the film.

Hogwarts Legacy Also Reveals A Serious Flaw In The Film Adaptations

The Path To Hagrid’s Hut Does Not Go Through The Great Hall

As pointed out by the Reddit user, the path Harry takes to get to the grounds where Hagrid’s Hut is (unfortunately) set on fire is not the one viewers see played out in the sixth movie. The Death Eaters pursuing Harry chase him through the Great Hall, though at no point during the video clip does the player’s path go near it. Following a series of winding staircases, the player passes through the Gryffindor Lower Hallway and the Clock Tower, going in the opposite direction of the Great Hall.

The staircases and hallways of the wizarding school canonically change and shift frequently, suggesting there may have been a shorter alternate route that wasn’t available in the game – but it’s more likely the film scene didn’t consider the potential continuity issue.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince released in theaters in 2009, 14 years before Hogwarts Legacy hit consoles (and well before such a game was in the works).

In a world as expansive as the one in the Harry Potter franchise, it’s understandable Hogwarts Legacy players will find possible errors in the films as Hogwarts becomes exploreable for the first time. Considering the number of times Harry and his friends navigated their way out to Hagrid’s Hut (and many times after hours), they likely had a few tricks up their sleeves to cut down on time. But unless Harry was running marathons in his spare time, this is one impressive chase to achieve.

Source: luffyisNOTreal/Reddit

Editor’s Note: Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has been accused of transphobia by those in the LGBTQ+ community. Although not directly involved in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, Rowling does stand to earn royalties from the game. We would like to reiterate our support for trans rights and that trans identities are valid. Support services are listed below for trans people impacted by discussions of transphobia.

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