
How cloud-based technology can scale security for large and multi-site campuses

Campuses are responsible for ensuring staff, students, and visitors are all safe, and continuously updating and upscaling security systems will allow that to happen. As technology continues to progress at an exalted rate, our security systems must keep up with this, especially in high-risk environments such as schools and colleges. 

There are several ways cloud-based technology can increase and create a further impact on the security measures in place. It is more important than ever in the current climate that campus security systems are robust and future-forward.   

In this article, we will detail the various ways that cloud-based technology can enhance security measures for large campuses. 

Integrate cloud-based video and access control systems

Having access control systems combined with cloud-based video technology will add an extra layer of protection and security to who can enter the premises. This is because your system will verify the guest’s identity upon arrival through the means of access control and video verification. 

Using AI video detection to assist with physical access points that may require a fob or keycard is more accurate, as access cards can be stolen, but AI identification is much less likely to be meddled with. Combining both security measures creates a robust system that is harder to interfere with. 

Another positive of cloud-based security is that you can access this data in real-time and after the event. So, if somehow there was a flaw in the system and an unidentified guest did enter the campus, you would be able to assess this and put appropriate messages in place. 

Security management on cloud-based platforms  

When cloud-based platforms are integrated with access control systems, you can track who is entering the building using a mobile device. In addition, you will receive real-time alerts from any location on the same platform. This is an incredibly cost-effective way of ensuring security is in place at all times, leaving no need for a costly surveillance setup. 

Integrate cloud-based technologies together

The way your building operates should reflect the cloud-based technology you are using. Creating a ‘smart’ and secure commercial building may sound complex and futuristic, but it will, in fact, create a safe and secure environment for everyone on campus. 

Having cloud-based assistance in all areas, such as access control and visitor management, will leverage your building’s safety. For example, with cloud-based technology, you can set triggers in place that can automate alarms and notifications from physical access points, which you will be able to then assess in your cloud-based hub. 

Restrict access to high-risk areas

On campus, it is only natural that certain rooms and spaces will hold more classified information. In the past, putting a sign saying ‘no unauthorized entry’ or having a keycode to enter may have worked, but these systems have apparent flaws, and they are easy to obtain access to if let that way. 

Instead, putting measures in place such as wave-to-unlock doors that only allow a small amount of people entry will make these areas more secure. If you wish to make your campus even more secure, you could go the extra mile and have these features placed on every classroom door, meaning only the students scheduled to be in that room can enter.

This may sound like a lot, but this would make the campus incredibly secure and would make emergencies easier to tackle and recognize should they ever occur. 

Benefits of cloud-based technology

If you are in the process of updating your security system but aren’t sure if cloud-based is the right option for you, we have collated the benefits of using cloud-based technology, which may help you with making an educated decision; 

  • Cloud-based data is protected and will be backed up, meaning you don’t need to worry about losses. In terms of security, this can be important when going through your backlog to identify visitors. 

  • Activity can be viewed at any time of the day, no matter where the security managers are situated. Therefore if there were a security breach after learning hours, you would be able to alert the authorities efficiently.

  • You can adjust cloud-based security based on your campus capacity, so this system is scalable no matter how many students and staff are entering the premises on a daily basis. 

  • You can use your cloud-based system to reinforce your physical security measures, such as access control points, to create a more robust security model. 


In summary, it is clear that cloud-based technology is a legitimate strategy and measure that should be put in place to leverage campus security. From real-time updates to the ability to assess situations from a mobile device, cloud-based technology is convenient and straightforward to use, meaning any campus can get on board with the next level of technology and cyber-enhanced security

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