
Biden’s proposed Title IX rule almost certain to find itself in legal crosshairs

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Legal experts weren’t surprised last month when a federal judge in Tennessee temporarily blocked the U.S. Department of Education from enforcing, in some parts of the country, directives designed to protect LGBTQ students in colleges and K-12 schools. 

After all, the ruling came from a conservative circuit court. It favored 20 predominantly Republican states that sued last year. They alleged the Ed Department’s guidance on a federal law banning sex-based discrimination, Title IX, infringed on their ability to govern. 

The department had determined Title IX shields students based on their gender identity and sexual orientation. Under that interpretation, transgender students would be permitted to use restrooms and school locker rooms of their choice. This clashed explicitly with some of the states’ laws.

However, the decision also portends trouble for the Biden administration’s broader agenda to use Title IX to combat LGBTQ discrimination. The Ed Department last month introduced a proposal that would cement into regulation protections for gay and transgender students under Title IX. 

Almost certainly, that draft rule will face lawsuits, too. Conservative attorneys general threatened to sue even before it was released this year, writing to the Ed Department they would “take legal action to uphold Title IX’s plain meaning and safeguard the integrity of women’s sports.” The new draft rule largely dodged that particular issue for the time being.

The Ed Department has taken steps to insulate its regulatory plan from legal challenges, attorneys and legal experts said, but lawsuits targeting LGBTQ protections could overshadow and undermine changes widely regarded as positive. 

“There’s new and interesting elements in there, and it’s a problem that we’re not talking about it,” said Andrea Stagg, director of consulting services at Grand River Solutions, which advises colleges on matters like Title IX and equity. 

New regulation a long time coming

President Joe Biden pledged on the campaign trail to undo the current Title IX regulation, put in place by former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

DeVos followed due process activists’ arguments that the federal government’s Title IX policies had been tilted against accused students. The rule, which went into force August 2020, constructs a judiciary-like method of evaluating sexual misconduct reports that entails a live hearing with cross-examination by the accused student’s and accuser’s advisers. 

Colleges under Biden’s Title IX plan could opt to adjudicate sexual violence cases through a hearing. Or they could pursue what’s known as a single-investigator model, in which one official looks into allegations and renders a decision — though this system has drawn criticism for being more open to error and potentially curtailing due process rights.

The Ed Department wrapped its proposal into a mammoth 700-page regulatory document.  

Part of the reason the document is so lengthy is its preamble, which justifies each part of the Ed Department’s draft rule. 

It was almost certainly written to be intentionally exhaustive in case the department needed to defend the reasoning behind the draft rule in court, said Jake Sapp, Austin College’s deputy Title IX coordinator and compliance officer, who follows matters concerning the law.

Such was the case with DeVos’ regulation, which the Trump Ed Department also supplemented with an extensive preamble. It proved necessary as states, advocacy organizations and students sued to stop it from taking effect.

Only one piece of the DeVos-era rule has been declared unlawful. That provision dictated that when colleges adjudicate sexual violence claims, they could not consider statements made by parties or witnesses who did not submit to cross-examination in a hearing. Colleges no longer have to follow that part of the rule.

Stagg said she predicts the preamble in the final Biden rule to be even longer. And this trend will likely continue with future administrations that seek to regulate Title IX, she said. 

“It’ll all be about saying I did more homework than you,” she said.

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