
27 Rainbow Bulletin Boards to Brighten Up Your Classroom

Looking for ways to brighten up your dull, boring classroom? You can’t go wrong with rainbows! Not only do they create a vibrant, colorful theme, they’ve also become associated with acceptance and inclusion. To help you get started, we’ve put together this list of gorgeous rainbow bulletin boards for inspiration!

1. You Are a Rainbow of Possibilities

Source: Pinterest/Rainbow of Possibilities

The perfect way to subtly remind your students that the outcome of this year will depend on the amount of effort they put into it.

2. Eat a Rainbow

Eat a rainbow classroom bulletin boards

Source: Pinterest/Eat A Rainbow

It’s important to help kids increase their nutritional understanding from a young age, and it’s easy to do with rainbow classroom themes like this one!

3. Attitude is the Mind’s Paintbrush

Attitude is the mind's paintbrush rainbow bulletin boards for the classroom

Source: Katie Davidson

For when students just can’t seem to look on the bright side—or need to be reminded that there is one.

4. Rainbow Bonds

Rainbow number bond math classroom theme ideas

Source: Pinterest/Rainbow Bonds

Leave the math lesson to your bulletin board! This is a great visual for teaching number bonds.

5. Be a Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud

Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud bulletin board

Source: counselingthestars

Show your class that they can be rainbows, too, with this meaningful quote.

6. Weekly Focus

Weekly focus classroom rainbow theme

Source: The Super Teacher

Beautiful rainbow bulletin boards like this double as an innovative method for outlining the week. Who doesn’t want a more organized classroom?

7. New Friends are at the End of Our Rainbow

New friends are at the end of our rainbow bulletin board with paper chains

Source: Pinterest/New Friends are at the End of Our Rainbow

Simultaneously soothe young students’ beginning-of-the-year nerves and get them excited to meet their new friends with this rainbow display.

8. In Diversity There is Beauty and There is Strength

In diversity there is beauty and there is strength rainbow bulletin board

Source: The Designer Teacher

Have your class help you recreate this rainbow classroom theme design by writing their names on a cloud and a few reasons why they are unique on each rainbow strip … and voilà! You’ve got yourself a great rainbow bulletin board.

9. Sight Word Progress Chart

Sight word progress bulletin board with rainbow, clouds and rain

Source: Pinterest/Sight Word Progress Chart

Never wonder who knows which words again with this nifty color-coordinated display.

10. Take What You Need

Rainbow take what you need with sticky notes

Source: Pinterest/Take What You Need

Make your hallway—and someone’s day—a little bit brighter with this simple rainbow of sticky notes.

11. Find the Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Rainbow math bulletin board for classroom

Source: Pinterest/Find the Gold at the End of the Rainbow

This St. Patrick’s Day bulletin board features an interactive math rainbow. Enough said.

12. You Fit Right In!

'You fit right in!' First grade rainbow classroom theme

Source: Pinterest/You Fit Right In!

This rainbow classroom theme sends the best kind of message, especially to younger kids. Create a classroom environment where everyone is welcome and begin teaching your students about acceptance.

13. Use Correct Fingers for the Keyboard

Finger placement rainbow classroom keyboard theme and billboard

Source: Pinterest/Use Correct Fingers for the Keyboard

Don’t tell anyone, but this giant rainbow keyboard would be a helpful reference for me, too.

14. Your True Colors

True colors rainbow theme for classroom

Source: Pinterest/Your True Colors

Your students have a rainbow of talents and qualities, so display them on a bulletin board!

15. Class Expectations

Class expectations rainbow board with behavior management

Source: Michaela

This design puts the “fun” in functional. Even classroom expectations look better in a rainbow!

16. Hello Sunshine

Hello sunshine rainbow bulletin boards idea with balloons

Source: School Girl Style‘s Hello Sunshine Theme

Rainbow classroom themes spread so much happiness, and this is one of the best!

17. Vintage Vibes

Source: Confetti and Creativity

This timeless style combines the pop of primary colors with playful black and white prints.

18. It’s a Jungle in Here!

Raiinbow classroom themes ideas

Source: Polka Dot Teacher

A rainbow of colorful and animal prints? How fun!

19. Rainbow Math Activities

Rainbow classroom math activities with numbered colored tubes and math facts

Source: NurtureStore

While it’s not a bulletin board, this set of math games will go perfectly with rainbow classroom themes!

20. Cute Rainbow Classroom

Colorful rainbow classroom theme with streamers and colored furniture

Source: School Girl Style

This classroom is so much fun. Look at that colorful rainbow ceiling!

21. Celebrate Pride

Pride Awareness Month Rainbow Classroom Display

Source: Residence Life Crafts

Recognize Pride Awareness Month each June in your classroom!

22. Celebrate Their Work

'Our brightest work' Student display rainbow bulletin board

Source: First Grade A to Z

What a beautiful way to put students’ hard work on display!

23. Rainbow Classroom Makeover

Classroom rainbow theme makeover ideas

Source: Kindergarten Korner

This rainbow classroom makeover is perfect for anyone who loves ROYGBIV goodness!

24. Rainbow Classroom Theme

Rainbow bundle of bulletin boards

Source: Clutter-Free Classroom

This bundle of rainbow bulletin boards is a great way to transform your classroom!

25. Taking Pride in Our Differences

'Take Pride in Our Differences' rainbow classroom display

Source: Pinterest/Tucker Downs

Promote diversity and inclusion in your classroom!

26. Rainbow Class Reminders

Reminders and rules for a rainbow theme classroom

Source: What The Teacher Wants

Setting classroom behavior rules and expectations has never been more cheery!

27. Rainbow Chalkboard

Rainbow chalkboard ideas for the classroom

Source: Maria Manone at School Girl Style

Cool silhouettes of children bring this rainbow classroom theme to life!

Have you ever created a rainbow bulletin board in your classroom? Share pictures of your masterpiece in our Facebook group WeAreTeachers Chat!

Also check out our educational rainbow activities!

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