
40 Hilarious Birthday Jokes for Kids

What pairs perfectly with cake, ice cream, and presents? Jokes, of course! Every kid (and adult) loves a good birthday celebration. Know a kid with a birthday coming up? Perhaps a budding comedian? These birthday jokes for kids will definitely help get their special day off on the right foot.

1. What does a clam do on its birthday?

It shellebrates.

2. What does a monster eat on its birthday?

What does a monster eat on its birthday?

I scream cake.

3. Why was the birthday cake hard as a rock?

Why was the birthday cake hard as a rock?

It was a marble cake.

4. What do you say to a kangaroo on its birthday?

What do you say to a kangaroo on its birthday?

Hoppy birthday.

5. Why was the birthday cake sad?

Why was the birthday cake sad?

It’s in tiers.

6. What kind of birthday cake do they serve in heaven?

What kind of birthday cake do they serve in heaven?

Angel food cake.

7. Why don’t kids remember their past birthdays?

Why don't kids remember their past birthdays?

They’re too focused on the “present.”

8. Why was the soccer player sad on his birthday?

Why was the soccer player sad on his birthday?

Someone gave him a red card.

9. Why do cats love birthdays?

Why do cats love birthdays?

They love to purrty.

10. How do you know if a donut is bored at a birthday party?

How do you know if a donut is bored at a birthday party?

It looks glazed over.

11. What type of music scares birthday balloons?

What type of music scares birthday balloons?

Pop music.

12. What happens when no one comes to your birthday party?

What happens when no one comes to your birthday party?

You can have your cake and eat it too.

13. Why didn’t the teddy bear want birthday cake?

Why didn't the teddy bear want birthday cake?

It was stuffed.

14. Why were the birthday balloons in the bathroom?

Why were the birthday balloons in the bathroom?

There was a birthday potty!

15. Where do you find a birthday gift for a cat?

Where do you find a birthday gift for a cat?

A cat-alog.

16. What did the ocean say to the birthday boy?

What did the ocean say to the birthday boy?

Nothing, it just waved.

17. What did one pea say to the other pea on its birthday?

What did one pea say to the other pea on its birthday?

Hap-pea birthday.

18. What is Elsa’s favorite birthday cake?

What is Elsa's favorite birthday cake?

One with icing.

19. What do you always get on your birthday?

What do you always get on your birthday?

Another year older.

20. What don’t kangaroos like about birthdays?

What don't kangaroos like about birthdays?

They only get to celebrate them in leap years.

21. Why did the robber break into the bakery?

Why did the robber break into the bakery?

He heard the cakes were rich.

22. Why did the student eat his homework on his birthday?

Why did the student eat his homework on his birthday?

He heard it was a piece of cake.

23. What does every birthday end with?

What does every birthday end with?

The letter y.

24. What do cakes have in common with baseball teams?

What do cakes have in common with baseball teams?

They both need a good batter.

25. Why do candles always go on top of a birthday cake?

Why do candles always go on top of a birthday cake?

Because it would be too hard to light them from the bottom.

26. What did the tiger say to her cub on his birthday?

What did the tiger say to her cub on his birthday?

It’s roar birthday.

27. What do you give a 3,000-pound rhino for its birthday?

What do you give a 3,000-pound rhino for its birthday?

I don’t know, but you better hope they like it.

28. Why did the child hit their cake with a hammer?

Why did the child hit their cake with a hammer?

It was pound cake.

29. What did the birthday cake say to the Hoodsies?

What did the birthday cake say to the Hoodsies?

You’re cool.

30. How do cats bake birthday cakes?

How do cats bake birthday cakes?

From scratch.

31. Why don’t owls give each other birthday presents?

Why don't owls give each other birthday presents?

They don’t give a hoot.

32. What goes up and never comes down on your birthday?

What goes up and never comes down on your birthday?

Your age.

33. What do statistics show about people who have the most birthdays?

What do statistics show about people who have the most birthdays?

They live the longest.

34. What kind of birthday cake did Peter Pan want?

What kind of birthday cake did Peter Pan want?

A pan cake.

35. What did the cheese say to the other cheese on its birthday?

What did the cheese say to the other cheese on its birthday?

You feta have a gouda birthday.

36. What do you say to a female sheep on her birthday?

What do you say to a female sheep on her birthday?

Happy birthday to ewe.

37. Why did the girl put her cake in the freezer?

Why did the girl put her cake in the freezer?

She wanted to ice it.

38. What did the ice cream say to the grumpy birthday cake?

What did the ice cream say to the grumpy birthday cake?

What’s eating you?

39. What kind of cake should you eat on your birthday if you are tired?

What kind of cake should you eat on your birthday if you are tired?

Coffee cake.

40. Which year is your birthday?

Which year is your birthday?

Every year!

Want more jokes for kids? We’ve got school jokesmath jokeshistory jokesscience jokesgrammar jokes, and music jokes.

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