United Kingdom

Reason postmen always wear shorts confirmed – even when it’s cold outside

It’s nearly the winter season which means people are switching the summer wardrobe out for warm jumpers and trousers – but, not posties.

Despite the very mild end to October, shorts weather is well and truly coming to an end – for most people. Brits can expect freezing cold temperatures in November which is often synonymous with wrapping up warm.

However, postmen don’t seem to agree. No matter the weather, thunderstorms or snow, you can always rely on your postie to deliver your letters wearing shorts.

For many of us this may seem baffling, but the mail workers all have valid reasons for doing this. Inquisitive Brits took to Reddit to solve the shorts mystery, where posties all shared their personal responses.

The most common answer was: “It really is just because it gets hot doing the job.”

This postman adds: “One round I cover I wear trousers just because of the wind (made the mistake once and had windburn all up my legs) but it’s that particular village that happens to be the highest point of the town and is a massive wind tunnel. All other rounds I’m in shorts pretty much all year.”

‘Sweating’ seems to be a very popular reason too, with another postman echoing this saying he just ‘hates sweating’.

Walking around all day can understandably cause people to break a sweat, which is why posties opt for shorts to regulate their body temperature.

However, in extreme cases, some delivery workers admit to wearing waterproof trousers – although another postie responded to this saying ‘skin is waterproof’.

The Reddit threat also showed a former Royal Mail employee exposing the posties endurance games where they set challenges amongst themselves to see who would cave first in the winter and switch to trousers.

This postman added that everyone would stick £1 in a pot each week and the winner, whoever lasted the longest in shorts, would donate the money to their chosen charity.

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