
Why L’Union Betrays Daryl Dixon In His Walking Dead Spinoff Explained

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – The Book of Carol episode 2.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2 cooked up a big surprise as, despite the protagonist being a massive help to their mission, L’Union decided to betray Daryl. The spinoff’s first season saw Daryl travel through France protecting Laurent in an attempt to try and deliver the child to a location called the Nest – the home of L’Union. Although Daryl’s ultimate desire was to return to the United States, he went above and beyond for Laurent, Isabelle, and his other allies. Additionally, after surviving several attacks from Genet and her army, Daryl successfully escorted Laurent to his new home.

While this seemed to set up an optimistic future, episode 2 completely turned the tide. Despite Laurent not completely embracing The Union’s teachings, he seemed settled in the new community, making his shocking abduction all the more impactful. However, this was all a set-up by L’Union, who staged the kidnapping in the hopes that Daryl would go looking for Laurent, where the community planned on killing him. Since Daryl Dixon arrived in France, he has been nothing but helpful to L’Union, making their betrayal all the more confusing, which created plenty of questions about their true intentions.

L’Union Is Scared That Its Followers Are Losing Hope In Laurent

Laurent Hasn’t Done Anything To Prove He Is Special Since Joining The Nest

With L’Union believing Laurent is special in Daryl Dixon, their entire plan and beliefs have centered around him, but the group’s followers have begun to lose faith in the child. After his miracle birth, The Union seemed to think that Laurent could be the key to ending the apocalypse, hence their desire to bring him to the Nest. However, weeks after his arrival, Laurent failed to really show anything that would suggest he was different from anyone else, causing L’Union’s followers to question if he truly was the Messiah the faction had made him out to be.

Unbeknownst to Losang, Jacinta came up with a plan to betray Daryl and regain the trust of L’Union’s followers.

As a result, the leaders of the faction felt like they had to take drastic action. To avoid discontent and disharmony among the group, Losang and Jacinta decide to move their ceremony forward, meaning their grand plan would be put into place earlier than expected. Unfortunately, there was one problem standing in their way – Daryl Dixon. Knowing that the show’s protagonist would disapprove of their intentions, they had to try and find a way to deal with him, and unbeknownst to Losang, Jacinta came up with a plan to betray Daryl and regain the trust of L’Union’s followers.

L’Union Thinks Daryl Dixon Is A Negative Influence Upon Laurent

Daryl’s Ruthless Survival Skills Are A Major Concern For The Union

Although the inevitability of Daryl opposing L’Union’s plan was a reason for betraying him, the group also feared that the protagonist was a bad influence on Laurent. A big part of what makes Laurent so special to The Union is how pure and innocent he is, meaning Daryl teaching him his ruthless survival tactics is naturally a big concern to them. It’s clear Laurent wants to be more like Daryl and looks up to him, but if the child were to suddenly begin killing walkers and show off a violent side, it would ruin the image L’Union has created.

Daryl’s so-called negative influence doesn’t just extend to his behavior and personality, but the group is also clearly scared that Laurent may choose to leave the Nest with the protagonist. With Daryl Dixon season 3 taking place in Spain, Daryl clearly won’t be sticking around in France, and given how much Laurent admires him, the duo may leave together. If the child did choose to leave The Union behind, it would completely ruin everything they have built. Therefore, the new villains know Daryl’s influence on Laurent is too significant to ignore, resulting in the plan to kill off the protagonist.

What Losang & Jacinta’s Plan For Daryl Dixon Actually Was

Jacinta Intended To Secretly Kill Daryl After Faking Laurent’s Abduction

Before their betrayal, L’Union actually had good intentions for Daryl, but they eventually found he was incompatible with their overall mission. Naturally, the group didn’t plan for Daryl’s arrival, but given all he’d done for Laurent, they were happy to welcome him to the Nest with open arms. Initially, L’Union was hoping Daryl would come around to their way of thinking and maybe even choose to stay in France, but realizing this wasn’t an option, their intentions changed. Instead of embracing Daryl as part of the group, they essentially set him up to die with a well-laid-out plan.

Jacinta faked Laurent’s abduction behind Losang’s back and sent Daryl alongside a group of L’Union’s fighters out to find the child. While Daryl truly believed Laurent had been kidnapped by Genet, the rest of the group knew they were there to lure the protagonist into a trap and tried to ambush him. Jacinta even ensured the shells in Daryl’s gun were empty, but with Isabelle and Fallou unexpectedly joining on this rescue mission, they helped protect Daryl and the trio managed to fight back before learning the truth about what happened.

The faction clearly thought they’d be able to kill Daryl and move on without him.

With Daryl and Carol’s meeting seeming inevitable in season 2, Daryl, Isabelle, and Fallou may have backup in what seems to be an unavoidable war with L’Union. The faction clearly thought they’d be able to kill Daryl and move on without him – given he should have been completely outnumbered – but this botched assassination attempt causes them plenty of problems going forward. It’s unclear what will happen next between the protagonists and L’Union, but with the plan to take out Daryl backfiring, the villains may be on the defensive as the spinoff continues.

What L’Union Has Planned For Laurent In Daryl Dixon Season 2

L’Union Want To Infect Laurent To Prove He Is Immune From The Zombie Virus

L’Union’s attempt to kill Daryl already showed they weren’t as friendly or peaceful as first meets the eye, but their plan for Laurent shows just how sinister the group can be. The reason for The Union believing Laurent is special comes down to the fact that he was born while his mother was infected. They describe his birth as a miracle, but the group also thinks this makes him immune to the virus, resulting in their twisted plans being revealed, as L’Union intends to let Laurent get infected in order to prove he can’t become a zombie.

Highlighting Laurent’s immunity would win over any doubtful followers and make The Union’s years of praying worthwhile. However, it seems they haven’t considered the alternative, as there is no real proof Laurent won’t become a zombie after being bitten. Given there were also mentions of a ceremony, it seems like they also intend to do this publicly, creating questions about how the rest of the community feels. Although Daryl will likely stop the new villains before it’s too late, it’ll be interesting to see just how far L’Union is willing to go throughout the rest of Daryl Dixon season 2.

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