
10 Most Shocking Deaths in Invincible History

No comic series is better known for its unyielding violence and gruesome deaths better than Invincible. Filled with more gore than a horror movie marathon, Robert Kirkman’s fourteen-year-long spanning series is an appalling display of grotesque terror and fans absolutely love it. While the series has shown hundreds of deaths throughout its run, some stand out for their sickeningly shocking reveal.

Fortunately for some of the series’ fan-favorite heroes, death is not always the end when looking at a multiverse of possibilities and powers that can revive the dead as easily as others send the living back to death again. Regardless of the longevity of any character’s death, temporary or not, that’s not to take away from the horrific display of blood and viscera that follows most fights throughout the series. To sort through the endless mountains of carrion and corpses, here are ten of the most shocking deaths in Invincible history.

10 Omni-Man Betrays the Guardians of the Globe

Invincible #7

The first and most well-known massacre in the series, and the one that set the tone for everything that was to come, Omni-Man’s sudden betrayal of the Guardians of the Globe was a fast and ferocious statement to both the Global Defense Agency and the series’ readers. One by one, Omni-Man systematically slaughtered every member of the wannabe Justice League to make one terrifying point, “This isn’t your normal superhero story.” Omni-Man proved himself to be an unmatched menace at the time, hammering in the brutality of the series’ tone that would remain for the entirety of its run. In the span of mere moments, Earth’s greatest defense force was reduced from eight noble heroes to one blood-soaked conqueror.

9 Cecil Gets Stomped by Robot

Invincible #111

Robot apologizes before crushing Cecil's head.

Having turned from being the respected leader of the Teen Team and a member of the Guardians of the Globe to a terrifying force of world domination, Robot has always led what he believed to be the right path. Robot’s one goal has always been to build a better world and, unfortunately for Cecil, government secrecy and corrupt politics have no place in that world. Robot, like many of the series’ “heroes,” operate as if the ends always justify the means. In the same breath that he took to condemn the Global Defense Agency’s underhanded moral ambiguity, Robot turned against everything he supposedly stood for in an instant. Sadly, Cecil treated Robot as much of a friend as he had once been with Omni-Man, making the brutal throat-slice and curb-stomp combo just as disheartening as it was horrific.

8 Bulletproof Murders His Parents

Invincible #97

Bulletproof murders his parents in a trauma-induced reaction.

Trauma and abuse have a nasty way of reflecting on the actions of their victims; Zandale Randolph knows that struggle well. Always the second favorite to his twin brother in the eyes of his parents, Zandale was treated as the undesirable option throughout his entire life. As opposed to his brother’s genius scientific mind and drive to change the world, Zandale was relatively peaceful-minded and an artistic soul, until the traumatic experiment that gave Zandale his powers and took his brother’s life. A lifetime of heroics later, his parents still treated him like garbage compared to the memory of his brother. Spurred on by his girlfriend Carla’s rage-induced lethal violence toward his mother after another verbally abusive rant about Zandale’s “worthlessness,” Bulletproof instinctively stepped in and snapped his father’s neck before throwing both his parents’ bodies off of a cliff to hide the evidence of foul play.

7 Cannibal Invincible Eats Himself

Invincible #103

Mark Grayson discovers another version of himself eating other variants of himself.

After being lost in an unknown reality, Cannibal Invincible was rediscovered by Marc while feeding off the corpses of multiple Invincibles trapped by a similar fate. Like the prime version of Mark, Cannibal Invincible and his alternate-self victims were all cast into a desolate dimension by Angstrom Levy. With no food or water to be found, and not enough power to survive leaving the planet, a competition broke out among the remaining Invincibles over the only resource they had, each other. When the prime Invincible arrives in the same dimension, he stumbles across Cannibal Invincible mumbling to himself while eating the thigh of a somewhat freshly deceased Viltrumite soldier Invincible. Drenched in blood and his own variant flesh, Cannibal Invincible proved fairly quickly to be an untamed menace powerful enough to kill and consume at least four other versions of himself.

6 Invincible Kills Dinosaurus

Invincible #100

Invincible tells Cecil that he killed Dinosaurus.

Invincible and Dinosaurus first came together under a common understanding that, in order to protect humanity and create a better world, the underlying problems of society have to be dealt with first. War, poverty, and environmental destruction could all be stopped with a decent plan and a few tough calls. After devastating his reputation while assuming himself to be a moral authority for the world, Invincible came to realize how far Dinosaurus was willing to go in order to achieve their mutual dream. In an attempt to show Dinosaurus the dangerous path that his equation for long-term peace created, the reptilian anti-hero conceded. Still believing that his atrocities would bring something good, but fearing that he may tread too close to villainy, Dinosaurus seemingly gave up everything he had worked for, asking Mark to kill him then and there. While the bloody ending between the two unlikely teammates occurred off panel, Mark is next seen solemnly walking outside while tracking a long trail of bloody footprints.

5 Thragg Sacrifices His Army of Children

Invincible #136

Thragg sends an army of his children to fight Invincible.

The previous Grand Regent of the Viltrum Empire, Thragg had become a significantly twisted version of his previously monstrous self after being exiled from the Viltrum Empire following the revelation of Omni-Man’s royal status. On a hellbent mission to eviscerate Invincible and Omni-Man, Thragg decided to build an army of Viltrumite half-breeds by impregnating multiple Thraxan women. The Viltrum Empire, while actively employing crossbreeding to expand their population, often treats hybrids as a lesser species. Thragg especially abides by this rhetoric, treating his children as a transactional piece of war to earn his revenge. In the final battle with Omni-Man and Invincible, Thragg ordered hundreds of his half-breed offspring to sacrifice themselves to slow his enemies down. One by one, the loyal children flew into the father-son duo, greusomely smashing their heads into the pair, only to be turned into a mist of blood against the bodies of superior Viltrumites.

4 Thragg Rips Invincible in Half

Invincible #132

Thragg rips Mark Grayson in half after Mark kills Thragg's son.

Before fully amassing his army of children, Thragg took his fight straight to Invincible and Omni-Man’s home. In his assault on the Grayson home, Thragg quickly killed Mark’s brother Oliver and threatened Mark’s daughter Terra. In response, Mark brutally captured and killed Thragg’s most beloved son, Onann. Doing so sent Thragg into a fit of rage, a level unseen by the mad tyrant previously. Distracted by watching Eve get her back broken, Mark was caught off guard and was promptly ripped apart by Thragg into two barely connected chunks of flesh. Bathed in Invincible and Kid Omni-Man’s blood, and with one less child, Thragg left the Grayson home to continue building his self-made army. Fortunately for Mark, Eve, and Terra, Eve was able to fully unlock her abilities and heal all three back to full health.

3 Rex Splode is Unceremoniously Shot

Invincible #41

King Lizard shoots Rex Splode.

One of the series’ founding members of the Teen Team and subsequent member of the Guardians of the Globe, Rex Splode met a shockingly quick, albeit temporary, death at the hands of King Lizard. Rex, knowing that he wouldn’t completely die thanks to his powers, egged King Lizard on in an attempt to distract him from the team’s hasty escape. What began as any other mission for the young Guardians of the Globe eventually turned sideways, leading to a hasty spacefaring retreat following the deaths of Rex and Dupli-Kate. Fortunately, Rex’s artificial enhancements gave him enough of an edge to survive the point-blank head shot and live to quip another day.

2 Atom Eve Loses Her Jaw on the Way Out

Invincible #132

Atom Eve has her jaw punched off by Thragg's daughter.

Returning to Thragg’s assault on the Grayson home, Mark wasn’t the only hero nearly killed alongside Oliver Grayson. After Mark killed Thragg’s son, Onaan, Ursaal, Thragg’s daughter, went on a full offensive against Eve. Seeking quick revenge for her brother’s death, Ursaal promptly drove her foot into Eve’s back, snapping it instantly. While paralyzed on the ground, refusing to look anywhere but at her daughter Terra, Eve tried to utter a single sentence before having her jaw punched through. Ursaal would have continued to beat Eve until there was nothing left if Thragg had not underestimated Eve’s regeneration powers. With an extra moment of violent dedication, the series could have easily ended a few issues too short. Thragg, Ursaal, and even Onaan came with a single mission, and they almost succeeded without an inkling of effort. As gruesome as Eve’s almost-death was, fortunately, Terra was quickly reunited with both of her parents, alive, stronger than ever, and completely in the nude.

1 Conquest Gets Dominated by Invincible and Atom Eve

Invincible #64

Atom Eve and Invincible brutally kill Conquest.

Invincible and Atom Eve’s fight against Conquest is arguably the most brutal in the entire series. Originally charged with overseeing Mark’s domination of Earth, the Viltrumite conqueror faced off against Mark multiple times after learning of his turn away from the Viltrum plan. While Conquest puts on one hell of a fight, he is no match for the combined powers of Invincible and Atom Eve. Mark and Conquest traded heavy blows, each even taking massive bites of flesh from the other. Meanwhile, Eve gathered every ounce of her power, incinerating Conquest, giving Mark the final opportunity to land a solid seventeen headbutts against Conquest until the Viltrumite’s face no longer existed.

Invincible Franchise Poster Amazon Video


Invincible is a multimedia franchise that began with the graphic novel series by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley. The series follows Mark Grayson, the son of Earth’s strongest hero, Omni-Man, as he enters into his powers at the cusp of adulthood. A television adaptation began in 2021 and retells the core story of the comics while fleshing it out and expanding on characters and concepts introduced in the medium.

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