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Flight attendant shows how they choose which rooms to stay in

Flight attendant Marta Vidal has given curious travellers a glimpse behind the scenes, revealing who foots the bill for crew accommodation during layovers.

According to Marta, after tiring long-haul flights, they’re provided with hotel rooms to ensure they get the well-needed rest. So, who’s covering the costs of their stay?

Crew members don’t need to worry about digging into their pockets; it’s all sorted by the airlines, Marta explains in her TikTok.

She dives into how rooms are selected and booked, pointing out that where they stay and for how long is determined by several factors.

While staying at their hotels, attendants can make use of the room and its amenities, and while the quality varies, it generally aligns with “the agreement” each airline has in place, with “the rooms are very good,” Marta disclosed.

Describing the typical process, she said: “We don’t take care of anything, we don’t choose the hotel and we don’t make the reservation.”

Furthermore, Marta assured that everything is paid for by the airline, leaving flight attendants to merely handle check-ins and check-outs upon arrival.

Flight attendants often stay in “double rooms” but not with their colleagues, and sometimes they can even have a guest as long as the hotel is informed. Their meals and other expenses are covered if incurred during flight duties.

However, for those curious about any special amenities in the rooms of pilots or stewards, there might be some disappointment. According to Marta, an airline staff member, the rooms have “the same conditions” as those offered to the general public.

In a revealing TikTok post, Marta gave a brief tour of her room, showing it was virtually indistinguishable from the rooms provided to regular hotel guests.

She explained: “We don’t take care of anything, we don’t choose the hotel and we don’t make the reservation, and we don’t pay for the hotel room either. Once we land and get off the plane, a shuttle picks us up and takes us to the hotel, which the company also takes care of.”

Marta added: “Depending on the agreement the airline has with the hotel, the number of stars will change, but usually the rooms are very good. I’ll show you now. We enter and we find the bathroom to the right. This one has a bathtub and it’s quite big.”

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