Video of Trump Calling Democrats Fascists Rebuts MAGAs Claim of Persecution
A video of Trump calling Democrats fascists is now virulently taking over Twitter in the aftermath of Biden calling out the fascist threat to democracy in this country.
If you’re a well-developed mature adult and don’t spend your entire life online, you may not know that the MAGAs are in a complete meltdown, kicking and screaming on their fainting couch over the fact that President Biden called out “some MAGA Republicans” as fascists that threaten the nation’s democracy. The MAGA reaction is in no way surprising; indeed, vicious fury over being unfairly persecuted is the MAGA’s default state of mind, a familiar and cozy place. They pout while lying, saying that Biden insulted “half the country,” even though it’s far more likely that only 35% of the country remains loyal to Trump, and even though Biden was super-sweet and referenced a minority of the Republican party. None of that matters, obviously. MAGAs rarely find facts compelling.
So perhaps a video of Donald Trump doing the exact same thing, calling the Democrats fascists, will at least shush them a bit. From Mediaite:
A clip of former President Donald Trump calling Democrats “fascists” surfaced online as Republicans continue to express outrage over a speech by President Joe Biden on Thursday.
At a speech in Minnesota with U.S. service members in the background, Trump claimed Democrats want to “replace American freedom with left-wing fascism.”
Never mind the thousands of times Trump and the Republicans have called Democrats “socialists” and “communists.” Of course, Democrats tend not to worry about being called names. Mature, well-developed adults seldom do.
Trump added, “Fascists. They are fascists. Some of them, not all of them. But some of them, but they’re getting closer and closer. We have to win this election.” Trump did not win the election. In response, he lied about it being rigged against him to the point where a mob stormed the Capitol in an attempt to keep him in power.
When you urge on and try to lead a mob to storm the Capitol in an attempt to keep power despite losing an election, you’ve checked off every box on the fascism card.
And real MAGAs don’t make up “half” the country. Nice try, though.
1/2: In 2020, Trump called Democrats “fascists” in ’20 while surrounded by military officials.
No one remembers it bc Dems didn’t feel threatened by his false claim.
Today, MAGA Republicans are angry at President Biden for a similar remark. Because they know it’s true.
— Matthew Sheffield (@mattsheffield) September 2, 2022
The funniest part of people finding and reposting this is that at the time it got basically zero coverage because it was completely par for the course for Trump.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) September 2, 2022
Fox and the Republicans are losing their minds over Joe Biden calling MAGA “semi-fascist.”
But they’d never call their political opponents “fascists,” right? Right??
You’ll be shocked, shocked I tell you! Roll the
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) September 2, 2022
@JasonMiciak believes a day without learning is a day not lived. He is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is a Canadian-born dual citizen who spent his teen and college years in the Pacific Northwest and has since lived in seven states. He now enjoys life as a single dad of a young girl, writing from the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He loves crafting his flower pots, cooking, and currently studies philosophy of science, religion, and non-math principles behind quantum mechanics and cosmology. Please feel free to contact for speaking engagements or any concerns.
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