Morning Joe Team Stunned by New Poll Showing How ‘Facist’ and Bigoted GOP Has Become

A new Morning Consult Poll may have a margin of error, but there there is no error in saying that today’s Republican party is more racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic than the Republican party from just ten years ago, and not just around the margins. Racism and other bigoted thinking is now mainstream.. The numbers we do have are shocking.
Morning Consult/Politico
If a candidate is accused of ___ is it a major problem?
Sexual misconduct:
83% of Dems say yes
77% Ind
66% RepublicansDomestic violence:
81 D
74 I
67 RRacist remarks:
80 D
59 I
38 RHomophobic remarks
71 D
50 I
25 RAntisemitism
71 D
61 I
47 R— Sam Stein (@samstein) April 27, 2022
Less than half of Republicans believe it is an issue to hear a candidate say openly racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic trash. The crew on Morning Joe found the results to be nothing more than an expression of the new fascism overtaking the Republican party along with the fact that Donald Trump has made it okay to say whatever one thinks, take pride in it, even.
Scarborough led off by talking about the political ramifications:
“It seems to me that Democrats have so many opportunities to show just how out of the mainstream Republicans are. Nnot only in a lot of their legislation in protecting the richest of all Americans, but also in their viewpoints, about what America means that it is — that it is the nation that has a Statue of Liberty at the head of New York Harbor, that we are a nation of immigrants, that we are a diverse nation, and that our diversity has always made us powerful, and also that we are a nation that’s turned its back on our original sin and we keep moving towards a more perfect union.”
Given that we have elections coming in less than seven months, Scarborough said it should be a referendum on each party’s core principles:
“If you look at some of the people running in the primary, some of the horrific things they’re saying, if you look at this number from [the] poll, only 38 percent, only 38 percent of Republicans think that people uttering racist remarks are a road block, are a serious road block for the election. So only 38 percent think that it’s a major problem. Less than half of Republicans believe that uttering antisemitic remarks, spewing antisemitic remarks, are a serious problem and a road block to being elected.”
There is no takeaway other than the fact that the Republican party is now a majority bigotted party. It led Joe to declare it yet another prong of fascism is popping up within the Republican party.
Joe wasn’t the only one disturbed. Willie Geist and Jonathan Lemire were also shocked by the numbers.
Those numbers are just extraordinary. Jonathan and I were looking at it with our eyes popping at it. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised over the last six or seven years so much of that has been given cover by former president Donald Trump. You can say and think the things in public that you were saying and thinking in private. Now we see it showing up in the polls. You’re right, some of the members of Congress right now, especially some of the newer members of Congress who say the most extreme, the most racist, the most homophobic things are the ones who raised the most money. Yes, in districts where that works, but the more extreme the better it appears for members of Congress and people running this year.
Jason Miciak believes a day without learning is a day not lived. He is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is a Canadian-born dual citizen who spent his teen and college years in the Pacific Northwest and has since lived in seven states. He now enjoys life as a single dad of a young girl, writing from the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He loves crafting his flower pots, cooking, while also studying scientific philosophy, religion, and non-math principles behind quantum mechanics and cosmology. Please feel free to contact for speaking engagements or any concerns.
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