
Why Getting A Medical Prescription Is Important?

According to the statistics, there are an estimated over 125,000 people in the United States alone who die from taking their medicine incorrectly because without a proper medical prescription. And a fraction of it is because patients do not follow the medical prescription advised by doctors.

You see, getting a medical prescription is not only the problem and the issue but following it incorrectly also deepens the problem. But let’s start with why you should get a medical prescription and why it’s so crucial that you follow it correctly.

What Is A Medical Prescription?

Away from the medical term, a medical prescription is best described as instructions or a set of instructions. It’s a piece of paper that contains all pertinent information about the patient, the medicine they should take, the frequency, the quantity, the dosage, and how long it should be taken. It contains information about the prescribing physician and their license number.

It’s often abbreviated as R or Rx, which directly tells any pharmacist-in-charge that the prescription is valid and legal. Some prescriptions come computerized or digitized in this modern time, while other physicians still practice handwritten prescriptions. Nevertheless, both are still valid.

Why Is It Important?

There are various reasons why medical prescription poses a significant role in taking medicines. But the most alarming one is overdosage. That’s why prescribing physicians are very keen on getting all the patient’s information aside from asking and knowing about their current condition; they are also other data that are considered an essential factor to be considered. This refers to the patient’s age, weight, allergy reactions, and family history.

According to their calculations, physicians prescribe the right amount of medicine using all the data they have gathered. This ensures that a better health quality outcome will be expected when the patient follows everything in the prescription.

However, if the patient fails to follow the medication correctly, adverse health effects are expected to arise. There are more prolonged recovery cases, worsened health, unwanted side effects, appear of another serious condition, and worst- even death.

Tips On How You Can Practice Following Your Prescription

Since it’s emphasized that following your prescription is very important, there are still some people who actually missed it- may it be accidentally or the other way around. Here are some tips that can help you practice taking your medication as prescribed to avoid those cases.

  1. For a patient that undergoes a maintenance prescription, always set a specific time you’re going to take your medicine. The best recommendation is to tie it up with a daily chore or routine like every meal or before going to bed. Moreover, since maintenance can be a hefty expense, you can use coupons to lessen the cost, such as availing of BuzzRX’s prescription Card.
  2. Use a pill container and label it accordingly and appropriately. Many patients prove that this is one of the best practices out there.
  3. Keep a record or have a medicine calendar and mark the dates the moment you take them.
  4. When you travel, bring extra pills with you if there’s a delay in your flight. This is usually one reason why patients missed their daily intake of medicine.
  5. Lastly, take your medication at the same time every day. But this only goes for maintenance prescriptions. Other drugs where there are specific times to take them, follow accordingly by setting the alarm.

Common Questions Regarding Medical Prescription

Getting a prescription is easy, but following it, sometimes problems arise. Here are some questions related to medical prescription and some other helpful information about it to clear some confusion.

What happens if you miss a dose?

Never double-up your dosage. That’s the first. If you miss a dose, take one the moment you remember. And if the next dose is almost due, skip the next dose and follow your regular cycle. If you’re unsure what to do, call your physician right away.

I feel fine, and I think I should stop taking my medication. Is that alright?

Stopping your medication abruptly and not completing the entire cycle your physician prescribed might result in unwanted side effects. It’s best to emphasize that some medicines are harmful when you stop taking them suddenly. Also, it’s best to complete the cycle your physician prescribed. If you’re feeling fine, give them a call for advice on what’s the next best thing to do.

My physician prescribed me a handwritten prescription, and I can’t understand a thing. What should I do?

Many physicians still practice handwritten prescriptions, so some prescriptions are difficult to read. For cases such as this, call your physician and ask for a clear copy of your prescription. Also, read the prescription before you leave the doctor’s clinic. Also, a helpful and attentive pharmacist can give you a hand when you visit a local pharmacy the moment you buy the medicines.

In conclusion

A medical prescription is vital, and following them incorrectly poses many adverse health effects and unwanted risks. So, the next time you visit a doctor for consultation and they hand you a prescription, make sure to follow everything written on it.

If you have questions or clarifications, you can ask them right away or ask for assistance at your local pharmacy. It doesn’t hurt a muscle following the correct instructions rather than consciously making a mistake and experiencing a negative impact after.

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