
Council Post: Struggling To Attract New Talent? Eight Mistakes You Might Be Making

In the current hiring market, competition is fierce. With so many options available to job seekers, companies must attempt to out-compete others in their industry in order to attract and hire talent, and this has led to many companies struggling to fill roles—and wondering what they can do to make the top of candidates’ lists.

In today’s market especially, attracting applicants must be approached differently than in the past, and it’s likely some companies are making a few mistakes along the way. To help, a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members discuss a few of the mistakes they’re seeing companies make when it comes to competing for talent and explain what leaders should be doing to fix them.

1. Failing To Articulate Clear Values And Policies

Post-pandemic, it has become even more crucial to clarify what you practically mean by being mission-driven or having company values. Companies have to be very concrete about: 1. how they are actually following ethical practices, 2. articulating clear policies for how remote work will actually work without burning people out, 3. what the plan is to still create a community and shared purpose when office buildings and cafeterias are not as relevant and 4. identifying how career progression will happen when “face-time visibility” with leadership is limited. Candidates are no longer interested in pitches that bear no resemblance to their day-to-day work. – Swaroop Jagadish, Acryl Data

2. Forgetting To Leverage Your Current Staff

In the effort to find talent, your team members are your best recruiters. Tap into your internal pool and ask your team to help promote job opportunities, connect with former colleagues and tap into alumni networks. Create incentive programs and arm your staff with brochures, recruitment materials and onboarding decks. Record some internal videos or interviews with team members and promote them on social media. Make your team members the heroes of the organization. Everyone strives to be a hero; let them be one and join your own unique team of Avengers. – Mario Peshev, DevriX

3. Lacking Transparency

I still see companies holding on to the conservative approach when it comes to recruiting. The work structure has drastically changed during the past two years and, whether or not you’re a remote-first company, it’s important to address this in the recruiting process. Transparency overall is not something to ignore; candidates are not looking for fuzzy words and Friday beers (at least, not only). Candidates want to know what the work structure is like, how much the salary is, the conditions for bonuses and what you are and are not looking for in this role. Everyone has a busy schedule, so straightforward, transparent information should have priority over everything else. – Brian Pallas, Opportunity Network

4. Using External Recruiters

Many companies deploy recruiters to fill roles, but that’s an old playbook. Instead, consider hiring an internal recruiting team. A team, or even one internal recruiter, will know vastly more about your culture, your pace of work and the colleagues you have than an external recruiter. We brought on an internal recruiter years ago when we hardly had 30 people. We’re now at more than 50 people with an offer letter acceptance rate of more than 80%. – Beck Bamberger, BAM

5. Focusing Too Much On Money

The one thing companies fail to see is that having a job isn’t just about money. Many are upping wages in an attempt to lure new candidates. That is a conventional, old method, but it isn’t the only thing people looking for jobs are considering today. People today, particularly young people, are looking for non-tangibles in work. They want life balance, healthy lifestyles and a working atmosphere that aligns with their values. They will take a lower wage if they have these things. Practically, what that means for companies is putting more emphasis on these things rather than raising wages. Offer flexible shifts, a gym membership, a free yoga class as a bonus for good work and grocery or mail-order prepared-meal gift cards. – Baruch Labunski, Rank Secure

6. Casting Too Wide A Net

When recruiting, it is tempting to want to attract as many candidates as possible by providing a broad job description so that you have a large pool of applicants to select from. However, indiscriminate recruitment wastes everyone’s time. The reality is that you are likely looking for a specific person, skill set or attitude to recruit into your company. By making your job description meaningful, filled with actual tasks and expectations that you are seeking, you will attract a more targeted group of candidates with a higher chance of being a good fit for your company. So do not be afraid to be personal in your job descriptions. Tell them why it is great to work for you, explain what you really expect of the role and include the nitty gritty not-so-great parts of the job too! – Maria Thimothy, OneIMS

7. Giving Little To No Feedback

I think there are plenty of good candidates out there waiting for a chance to become part of a good company. One of the main reasons applicants are outlining about why they do not feel motivated to participate in the recruiting process is the lack of feedback. Ensuring proper communication about how the process is going will keep the reputation of the company high and will motivate job seekers to try again. – Alfredo Atanacio, Uassist.ME

8. Not Considering Your Own Role

Companies aren’t considering their own role in all of this. There’s almost an arrogance to the hiring process, where companies just expect the perfect candidates to flock to them and then they will have the pick of the litter. Rising competition means that both sides of the arrangement, employer and employee, need to rise to the challenge! I would advise companies that are struggling to find the right talent to revise their own hiring strategy. Where are you advertising? What do your listings look like? Does your application process require the candidate to rewrite the resume they just submitted to you? There’s plenty a business can do to turn the right candidate away. Companies need to put themselves in the shoes of the applicant and think, would I want to work here? – Nick Venditti, StitchGolf

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