3 Ways To Scale Your Marketing Channels

Business team discussing marketing analytics
Marketing is an art. Sure, there are scientific elements to modern marketing. Data and analytics play a part. Tech tools are common. But at the end of the day, humans are the ones who need to create the strategies, implement the tactics, and choose the tools with which to do so.
This, coupled with the perpetual evolution of consumer sentiment, means marketing can never be a “set it and forget it” activity. Instead, it needs to always be evolving, adjusting …and growing.
If you already have marketing channels established, here are a few tips to help you continue to scale them over time.
1. Expand Your Podcast Presence
Podcasts are a common way to promote a company in the 2020s. After a pair of decades spent incubating, the podcasting space has exploded onto the scene as a viable and popular marketing channel for most industries.
With that said, merely having a podcast isn’t enough anymore. You also need to look for ways to capitalize on every aspect of your podcasting efforts.
For instance, podcasting growth and analytics platform CoHost highlights no less than five different stages of the marketing funnel that podcasting can impact, including:
- Awareness;
- Interest;
- Consideration;
- Intent;
- Buy.
In other words, if your podcast isn’t helping with all five of the stages of your marketing funnel, there’s plenty of room for growth.
You can do this in many different ways. Implementing CTAs can help with intent. Exclusive podcast episodes for customers can incentivize purchases.
Take some time to evaluate what areas of marketing your podcast is already addressing. Then come up with a strategy to expand that vision to all stages of the marketing funnel.
2. Boost Traffic with On-Site SEO
Your website is one of your most important marketing channels. Not only is it the center of your digital presence. It’s also an instrumental way to create traffic for your brand.
You can do this in multiple ways, including PPC (pay per click) ads, guest posts with backlinks, working with influencers (more on that below), and filling out your Google My Business listing.
Another key way to boost your online traffic is through on-site SEO. Also called on-page SEO, on-site SEO consists of taking your existing website and optimizing it for maximum organic search traffic.
The SEO experts at Page One Power lay out several ways to address your on-page SEO, including optimizing your:
- Keywords;
- Title and header tags;
- URLs;
- Internal and external links;
- Page loading speed;
- Images and multimedia.
By perfecting these instances on your website, you take a mundane element of your online presence and turn it into a well-honed, expertly optimized marketing channel.
3. Expand Your Influencer Network
Influencers are a popular channel in the social media-heavy modern marketing world. They provide instant access to a loyal audience that trusts their content. There are many kinds of influencers operating in every industry known to mankind.
Influencers are also categorized by the size of their following. Wordify founder Kaya Ismail breaks these down into four groups:
- Mega-influencers who have more than a million followers;
- Macro-influencers who have between 100,000 and a million followers;
- Micro-influencers who have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers;
- Nano-influencers who have less than 1,000 followers.
Most businesses take their marketing budget and see how high they can go with their influencer strategy. However, if you’re looking for ways to scale your marketing channels, you may want to do the counterintuitive thing here, as well.
Nano-influencers have a reputation for avid followers with a high engagement rate. They can provide targeted marketing on a topical level as well as a geographic one.
If you want to scale your influencer marketing, don’t just think bigger. Consider thinking smaller, as well.
There are many ways to improve marketing. However, in much the same way that retaining a client is more cost-effective than getting a new one, often enhancing existing marketing channels is better than always starting fresh.
So review your current marketing channels and consider what areas are working. Then look for what elements are not. Finally, consider untapped potential, whether it comes through a lack of SEO, a lackluster influencer strategy, or a half-used podcast presence. By sprucing these up, you can scale each channel, and by extension, your marketing efforts as a whole.
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