
10 Creative Writing Assignment Ideas for Students

The US system of education is based on creative writing and learning. Every time students have to accomplish assigned tasks, they are supposed to use the power of their creativity. Every project must be 100% authentic and it should be introduced in an original way. Many students frequently face a creative crisis when no good ideas visit their minds. They don’t know how to overcome this writer’s block and write boring irrelevant papers. It costs a lot of essential grades and youngsters look for different methods to boost their creativity. Some prefer to use professional assistance of a custom assignment writing service, AdvancedWriters, for instance. However, we know 10 creative writing assignment ideas, which will help to overcome your hardships without professional intervention.

Argument and Interpretation

If you want to boost your creativity, consider anthologies. You are supposed to create several arguments for your project and explain your choice. Tell why you have opted for a certain argument. You can combine stories, artworks, poems, etc. You should:

  • Argue the significance of your choice;
  • Interpret its meaning;
  • Add any relevant context (historical, ethical, cultural, etc.);
  • Add different details to make the story complete;
  • Explain the way your project supports a certain theory or concept.

One-Sentence Story

You should experiment with different methodologies and utilize the ones, which seem to be quite weird. Thus, you may try to write very short stories, which consist of a single sentence. This activity is very helpful for writers. You should concentrate on a single argument, which will explain your purpose and the value of your story. It will become the thesis statement. Try to write about 10-15 one-sentence stories every day. This regular practice will teach you to formulate strong, detailed, and captivating thesis statements. Thus, you won’t have any problems with defining the major argument for all your academic assignments.

Write a Spontaneous Speech

Oftentimes, spontaneity is the best remedy for writing stagnation. It’s important to be able to react quickly to unexpected changes because teachers tend to give assignments when you don’t expect them. Imagine that you should hold a public speech. The public is nervous and uncomfortable. Try to relieve the tension and stress by telling an interesting story. Make sure it’s a meaningful story with the required facts, details, and examples. If you make it catchy and creative, you’ll definitely win the attention of your listeners. This practice helps to boost your creativity and generate relevant ideas when you must write an essay you didn’t expect to face.

Rewrite Articles

If a person lacks writing experience, the wisest thing he/she can do is to learn from the experiences of other authors. After you read any article, rewrite it. This practice is common for all inexperienced writers. After some time passes and you practice rewriting regularly, you’ll have enough knowledge to write your own creative concepts.

Structure and Sequence

You may practice construction writing. It’s a well-thought form of writing where a writer provides the sequence of actions. For example, you explain how to bake a lemon cake. You ought to carefully name all the ingredients, their concentration, the sequence of procedures, timing, and similar points. This approach helps students to become more precise and specific about their writing.

Narrative Writing

Try narrative writing regularly. For example, Ray Salazar, a teacher at Chicago high school, proposes to stick to three important concepts. These are:

  1. Ethos. Helps to realize the speaker’s/writer’s credibility;
  2. Pathos. Connects the speaker/writer with the emotions of the audience/readers;
  3. Logos. A clear presentation of information to make the audience ponder upon the topic.

He likewise suggests listening to speeches and reading a lot before you begin to use the narrative approach. Students need some experience before they begin to write their stories and speeches. You should always establish credibility concerning the topic you disclose, reach your audience, and present your story in a captivating form. Make sure your listeners or readers will have some questions to think about. You should create a lasting effect.

Observe What’s Outside

Another great creative practice is to describe what’s going on outside. One never knows when the smallest and simplest things may inspire to write. Many people simply go out of their houses to look around and get in touch with the environment. A simple stroll in the local park may provide you with pleasant impressions, which will awake your creativity. It’s likewise recommended to describe all the feelings and emotions you’ve received when you were outside. This activity helps to write simple descriptions and afterward go to the next level of complexity.

Work with Images

Sometimes visual support may boost the imagination of a writer. You may choose one or several images for inspiration. They may be related to the topic you should disclose or simply images of things that are important for you.

Free Writing with Time Limits

It’s useful to practice free writing. Its purpose is very simple – set a timer and write without a stoppage everything that occurs to the mind. Change the topics every time you practice free writing. It helps to sufficiently increase your creativity.

Of course, it’s better to have some prepared ideas to disclose. Try to create a list of the most appealing topics. Write essays on them and thus you’ll be ready for unexpected assignments from your teachers and professors. You’ll always have several great ideas to cover.

Thoughts about Future

Finally, write a simple essay about your future. Outline your short-term and long-term objectives. What do you want to achieve in 5 years? Who do you want to be and what do you want to possess in 10-15 years? Ask and answer these questions to receive more insights because predictions may boost creativity.

Memorize all 10 variants we have proposed in our article. These creative ideas will be useful for high schoolers, as well as for college and university students. Every time you lack inspiration or ideas to write about, our creative writing recommendations will help you.

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